Friday, January 18, 2013

My electronics

I've always been a major electronic person, spending a majority of my time on some sort of electronic device from as long as I can remember.

1. My Xbox 360. I spend a massive amount of time on my Xbox. You could say it's my best friend, but I use it for more than just playing games. A lot of my old friends (I've moved multiple times) own an Xbox, so it's a good way for me to stay in touch with my old friends, along with my family who are more than a couple of hours away.

2. My Laptop. When I'm not on my Xbox, I'm on my laptop, be it for homework or just a general time-wasting session. I use my laptop to stay in touch with friends who don't own an Xbox, with the use of email or Facebook. My laptop is my main DVD/Youtube-video playing device.

3. My iPhone. I love listening to music. My phone is the main device I use for listening to music, other than my radio. My radio is becoming more and more obsolete, however because I'm adding a good majority of the songs I love listening to on the radio on to my phone.

4. My radio. The car I own has only a 6-track Cassette player, because it's old, and the really only time I listen to the radio is when I'm driving. My radio in my car is one of the only ways that I listen to the news, weather, and current events, because I'm too lazy to look it up on my laptop.

My life is dominated by electronics, and I'm perfectly happy that way.

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